A voice for living well with Type 1 Diabetes

The Case for Inanimate Objects

Inanimate Objects The toaster I’ve used for decades was ‘retired’ this week. My sister gave us this new toaster for Christmas and I’ve resisted the enthusiastic efforts from my wife and son to make a change. Why? Starting in my 20s, most days started with two pieces...

Chillin’ Sans Dex

My Dexcom sensor expired this past Sunday. I haven’t replaced it … it’s now Wednesday and I feel more relaxed and at ease. Blood sugars are in the background; less front stage and center. I’m one to dig into, interpret and work with data. I try to let go and have the...

The Grammys

I watched The Grammy’s last weekend and was amazed at the talent and creativity present in the room.  The music and energy created in Las Vegas made their way into homes across the world, including ours. As I watched, I thought about how artists make and perform their...